Digital Dreams
Interactive Exhibition
What will our digital future look like?
The exhibition Digital Dreams explores current topics of the digital future of information, social interaction and entertainment in a experimental and playful way. How blur the lines between digital and physical world in our social environment? Which impact have digital information filters to us? At the exhibition the visitors get to participate and try new technologies like augmented and virtual reality and learn about the future and its multifaceted possibilities.
SOCIAL MEDIA: We got used to like, comment and share constantly online. How does this behaviour they transfer back into the physical realm?
MARKTHALLE: Markthalle used to be a source of food and nourishment in it’s former days. Which possibilities could be offered in the future?
FILTER BUBBLE: Algorithms decide what content is relevant for us. This leads to personalized search results and tailor-made online experiences. Information that does not match your view is filtered out.
VIRTUAL REALITY: Our entertainment will change, too. Event today virtual reality gives an impression how this could be in the future.
AUGMENTED INFORMATION: Digitalization and new technologies enable the availability of information everytime and everywhere. Even our shopping behaviour can change with augmented reality.
DIGITAL DREAMS: How do your digital dreams or nightmares look like? What do you wish for from digitalization in the future and what does scare you?
Martin Fischer, Matthias Hüttmann, Farina Hamann (Braunschweig University of Art) and Anniina Leggat (Aalto University) in collaboration with PopUp Markthalle Wolfsburg, March 2018
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