Ana Kalypto

Ana Kalypto

Eine Reise durch Zeit und Raum zwischen Virtualität und Realität

Virtual Reality Experience

»Set off on a unique jour­ney with the travel agency Taxidi and expe­ri­ence the magic of the seven wonders of the anci­ent world! With the space station ›Ana Kalypto‹ we fly you right into the middle of an unfor­gett­able adven­ture with over­whel­ming sight on the anci­ent show­pla­ces. For lovers of culture and explo­rers is this expe­di­tion an abso­lute must. Take the chance on this jour­ney through space and time and disco­ver worlds belie­ved to be lost.«

The project Ana Kalypto is an inter­ac­tive, multi­me­dia-based instal­la­tion which uses space in reality and virtua­lity simul­ta­neously. We use the tech­ni­que of virtual reality to make no longer exis­ting worlds acces­si­ble and expe­ri­en­ce­able. The visi­tors set off on a virtual jour­ney to the seven wonders of the anci­ent world and use the real exis­ting room as intui­tive and inno­va­tive control. Objects which are displayed in the virtual reality head­set can be touched actually and so the visi­tors immerse in the virtual reality with three of five senses (sight, hearing, touch).

Awards: ADC Junior Award Bronze, Nomi­na­ti­ons for Bloom Award and Future Award

Media (German): »Es lohnt sich, genauer hinzu­se­hen« (unser38), »VR für alle! So rüsten Agen­tu­ren auf für Virtual Reality« (Page)


Annika Heller and Farina Hamann

Braun­schweig Univer­sity of Art, Juli 2016