

Augmented Reality App

Q•be is an augmen­ted reality appli­ca­tion we deve­lo­ped at a hacka­thon about cities of the future. The application’s purpose is to enable citi­zens to visua­lize their own ideas and sugges­ti­ons for gap sites and brown­fields inside the city. With Micro­soft Holo­Lens the citi­zens are able to realize their visi­ons holo­gra­phi­cally with digi­tal blocks in real size and directly on site. We chose this cube-based construc­tive form because it allows an easy entry point and there­fore invol­ves people of all ages and without any previous know­ledge.

To better assess the own sugges­tion the construct will not be only shown in real size but also addi­tio­nally as a smal­ler model in any desi­red place which can be edited, too. Addi­tio­nally to the appli­ca­tion for Holo­Lens there is a smart­phone appli­ca­tion which allows to judge, comment and enhance the ideas. Further­more other’s sugges­ti­ons can be tracked and viewed in real size with mobile augmen­ted reality.

In doing so urban plan­ners get the chance to get to know what citi­zens really wish for their area, which sugges­ti­ons are the most favo­red and be able to have totally new ideas. Our purpose were the enab­le­ment of collec­tive crea­tion and the inclu­sion of all people on the spot. We reali­zed a working proto­type for Micro­soft Holo­Lens and a click­dummy of the mobile app.


Alexander Lehmann, Anna Roder­mund, Ann-Kath­rin Voll, Arnim Speng­ler, Farina Hamann and Martin Fischer

Holo­Hack, Septem­ber 2017