Virtual Reality App
We developed the virtual reality experience ToDone during a two-week summer academy of Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft and the Career Center of Hamburg University on the subject Learning with virtual reality (VR) in the fields of healthwise prevention and stress management. During finding the idea with the help of interviews and design thinking methods we noticed that stress often results from insufficient self organization and time management.
The application ToDone is a combination of a mobile app and an application for virtual reality headsets like HTC Vive or Oculus Rift. With the app you can create the tasks you need to accomplish. Thereby you can chose a title, notes, the task’s category and estimated time. These tasks can be presorted, edited and marked as done. Additionally the app offers a concentration mode which locks the phone will for the predetermined time.
In virtual reality the tasks can be sorted on time shelves. Hereby we refer to the method of mind palaces and the assumption that spatial arranged items can better be remembered. The user has a spatial overview when they want to do what and can easier recall this overview later than with using a simple list. Additionally there are semi-transparent buffer cubes laying on the shelves which can’t be removed. These buffer cubes prevent the user from planning too much for one day and force him to include empty spaces.
Tasks which are marked as done in the app appear on an extra podium in virtual reality. They turn transparent and can be broken. Inside there is a surprise for the user. These can be decorations for the virtual world or modules which allow to build bigger objects. Thereby we animate the user to accomplish more tasks to complete these objects. This reward system is an essential part of the application. Additionally there’s an assistant in VR and the app who supports the user with tips and hints and helps to be more productive and concentrated.
We realized a working prototype for HTC Vive and a clickdummy of the mobile app.
Eli Breuing, Farina Hamann, Elke Inggrid Kumala, Dalia Moniat and Natalia Pozoga
Summer academy of Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft and the Career Centers of Hamburg University, August 2017