<span class="caps">VR</span> Camping

VR Camping

Virtual Reality Experience

VR Camping is a virtual reality short film from my exchange semes­ter in Bandung in Indo­ne­sia. The class Expe­ri­men­tal Multi­me­dia was about giving a shot at new media and we deci­ded to combine virtual reality with real reality.

In Indo­ne­sia there are a lot of folk­ta­les and myths about ghost and super­na­tu­ral pheno­me­nons which we took up in our virtual reality expe­ri­ence. Inside the virtual reality the viewer is loca­ted in a tent in the indo­ne­sian forest late in the evening and while it’s getting darker uncanny things are happe­ning. At the exhi­bi­tion we rebuild the virtual scene in reality at the univer­sity to enhance the immer­sion and story with perfor­mant add-ons.


3D Model­ling and Anima­tion: Clara Jesse­lyn H., Abdur­rah­man Raihan S., Petra Legato, Sie Yuni S. and Chandrika N. D.
Programming: Farina Hamann

Insi­tut Tekno­logi Bandung, Decem­ber 2017