2 455 700 km²
Data Visualization of the Arctic Ice Decline
Interactive Installation
»We need to save the Arctic not because of the polar bears, and not because it is the most beautiful place in the world, but because our very survival depends upon it.«
— Lewis Gordon Pugh
The global warming and the decline of the Arctic ice are extremely dangerous and threatening for our environment and humanity. The aim of the project »2 455 700 km²« was to emphasize this development and raise awareness by creating something unusual, interesting and easy to understand on an emotional level. Based on the data of the Arctic ice, which is fortunately very well investigated and documented, we created an artwork combining physical, real ice with an abstract data visualization of a 40-year time span starting in 1979. Four ice blocks cast in the shape of the Arctic with the help of 3D-printing illustrated the extreme extents of ten years each. The visitors were invited to touch the ice and feel the cold. By this, they simultaneously triggered a projected animation visualizing the arctic’s growing and shrinking day by day during the corresponding time span. The visitors’ touches expedited the natural melting of the ice during the exhibition time which created a second, actual temporal timeline additional to the spatial one.
Media (German only):
»Was uns inspiriert« (Make Magazin 02/2020)
Adrijan Steczek and Farina Hamann
University of the Arts Bremen, March 2019